Do Something, to the Fire

Comprehensive Drone Fire Fighting Solution

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Industrial Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)

Enable Drones As Essential Tools And Turn Impossiblity Into Possibility


Nowadays UAVs have play an irreplaceable role in defense and security. With camera equipped, drone can be used for daily patrol and surveillane; with weapon armed, it can be used for aerial strike.

VTOL is abbreviation of Vertical Take-Off and Landing. Comparing with multi-rotor drone, it can carry more payload and have longer endurance.

VTOL, UAV, drone

Camera (pod) is the most common payload for drones. Carrying out missions such as tracking targets, inspecting facilities, surveillance and reconnaissance, observing from long range, indicating coordinate for precise strike…no matter civil use or military use, various cameras can be applied into most of application scenarios.

With continuous development drones, drone abuse has become a major security risk, and anti-drone systems now is the key counter tool to solve this problem.

According to the characteristics of UAV, radar, radio detection, optical identification and tracking, navigation and positioning decoy, flight control radio suppression, portable UAV interference and other countermeasures are developed.

Are You Factory?

NO, But Better Than Factory

We are independent buyer's agent specializing in DRONE and related products. We represent clients' interest and recommend suitable products, make all-inclusive solution, and deal with negotiation, production & delivery process.

There're plenty of drone factories, and one factory usually produces 1 or 2 types. Since we were deep in this industry, we know whose battery is best, whose VTOL is cheapest, whose multi-rotor is sold well...

Why Choose You

Why Choose You?

Coz We Know Drones

Our members were from drone companies and some of them are certificated pilots. 

We're familiar with drone vocabulary and technical terms. We can help no matter certain bidding or uncertain solution design.

Ordinary trade company usually good at purchase and trade issue only, while plus we're good at technical communication.

Our member was serving oversea drone project for delivery and training. We have richer experience and understand this industry better. 

I Wanna Buy From Factory...

Sure You Can!

We fully understand that if you wanna purchase from origin factory, coz we're aim to be a reliable buyer agent that represents clients' interest. We'll introduce the suitable producer and seal the deal, and charge agency fee accordingly.

From basic product recommendation to systematic scheme formulation, from simple procurement to complete project following up, our services are diverse.

Buy From Factory

News & Articles

drone emergency rescue, drone, flood relief, emergency response

The Role of Drones in Flood Relief: A Game-Changer for Efficiency and Safety

In the wake of flood disasters, drones have emerged as indispensable tools, offering rapid, precise, and all-weather capabilities that significantly enhance flood relief and rescue ...
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FPV Drones: The High-Speed Marvels Revolutionizing Competition and Combat​

FPV drones have taken the spotlight in both exhilarating sports arenas and high-stakes conflict zones. These nimble, high-speed machines are not just redefining aerial competitions ...
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Active vs. Passive Counter-Drone Defense: Pros and Cons​

Anti-drone defense strategies can be categorized into active and passive defenses. Active defense focuses on disrupting the drone’s operation and communication systems to render it ...
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